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Human Anatomy. Acland s Video Atlas of . Tare 3: The Trunk.=Анатомия человека: Department of Surgery University of Louisville School of Medicine Louisville, Kentucky. / Robert D. Acland, FRCS.- Norton Healthcare

Human Anatomy. Acland s Video Atlas of . Tare 3: The Trunk.=Анатомия человека: Department of Surgery University of Louisville School of Medicine Louisville, Kentucky. / Robert D. Acland, FRCS.- Norton Healthcare

Human Anatomy. Acland s Video Atlas of . Tare 2:The Lower Extremity.=Анатомия человека: Department of Surgery University of Louisville School of Medicine Louisville, Kentucky. / Robert D. Acland, FRCS.- Norton Healthcare

Human Anatomy. Acland s Video Atlas of . Tare 2:The Lower Extremity.=Анатомия человека: Department of Surgery University of Louisville School of Medicine Louisville, Kentucky. / Robert D. Acland, FRCS.- Norton Healthcare

Human Anatomy. Acland s Video Atlas of . Tare 1:The Upper Extremity.=Анатомия человека: Department of Surgery University of Louisville School of Medicine Louisville, Kentucky. / Robert D. Acland, FRCS.- Norton Healthcare

Human Anatomy. Acland s Video Atlas of . Tare 1:The Upper Extremity.=Анатомия человека: Department of Surgery University of Louisville School of Medicine Louisville, Kentucky. / Robert D. Acland, FRCS.- Norton Healthcare

Handbook of Pharmacology & Physiology in Anesthetic Practice=Справочник по фармакологии и физиологии в практической анестезии: FOR PDA / Second Edition Romert K. Stoelting. Simon C. Hiller.- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006

Handbook of Pharmacology & Physiology in Anesthetic Practice=Справочник по фармакологии и физиологии в практической анестезии: FOR PDA / Second Edition Romert K. Stoelting. Simon C. Hiller.- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006

Frank J.Domino, PDA The 5-minute clinical consult 17th edition 2009=Клинические консультации за 5 минут / J. Frank; Robert A.Baldor, Alan M.Ehrlich, Jeremy Golding.- Wolters Kluwer: Lippincott Wiilliams & Wilkins

Frank J.Domino, PDA The 5-minute clinical consult 17th edition 2009=Клинические консультации за 5 минут / J. Frank; Robert A.Baldor, Alan M.Ehrlich, Jeremy Golding.- Wolters Kluwer: Lippincott Wiilliams & Wilkins

Exploring the spine. A 3D overview of anatomy and pathology=Исследование позвоночника. Обзор анатомии и патологии.- Anatomical chart company: Lippincot Williams & Wilkins

Exploring the spine. A 3D overview of anatomy and pathology=Исследование позвоночника. Обзор анатомии и патологии.- Anatomical chart company: Lippincot Williams & Wilkins

Exploring shoulder:A 3D overview of anatomy and pathology=Исследование плечевого сустава: Обзор по анатомии и патологии.- Anatomical chart company: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Exploring shoulder:A 3D overview of anatomy and pathology=Исследование плечевого сустава: Обзор по анатомии и патологии.- Anatomical chart company: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins