
Scopus is one of the world’s largest bibliographic databases for tracking citations of articles published in scientific journals. Scopus indexes about 21,000 scientific publications in various fields of science provided by 500 publishers. Among the materials located in this database are not only scientific journals, but also conference proceedings and serial book editions. Scopus is owned by Elsevier Corporation. The database is available through the web interface only with a pre-paid subscription. All scientific articles published after 1996 are indexed with bibliographic lists and co-published articles. The quote is calculated automatically based on the analysis of these lists. The author’s profile should be highlighted. The profile shows the author’s name, all places of his/her place of work, last place of work, number of publications by year, field of scientific research, references to co-authors, Hirsch index, total number of citations. Reader (teacher, student) must register from any computer connected to the University Server for access. After registration, the reader can use the resource from anywhere using his login and password. Using this username and password, you can log in to Sciencedirect. Re-authorization is not required.

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